Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Lots of Thoughts

The past two weeks I have lived alone. My roommates are kindergarten teachers and right now the public school teachers are on strike, indefinitely. They have taken advantage of this time, and have been traveling. It's not so bad being alone, I am able to keep myself busy by shopping for food, learning to cook, cleaning, doing laundry, reading, spending time with the women I work with, traveling on weekends... But the worst part has been the absence of people to communicate with about real things, I have no companions who understand my perspective. This has been a huge challenge, I have had much time to think and absorb what I am witnessing and experiencing, but no one to talk to about it... And so the next few paragraphs are the result of me alone with my thoughts.


For a long time I have been unsure with what location to identify myself with. I have always been a visitor to my home. I have always been just passing through, knowing that I came from one place, and in time I will move on to another. I was born in a place I do not remember, and a place my parents are not from -- we then spent the next twelve years moving from place to place. Finally, to stop, but yet I was burdened by the desire to continue moving. Now, in the past four years, I have lived in three places. But even this I will be leaving. Will I ever have a location that is my own? There is a tension in my heart, a tension to plant roots, but to also see and experience what the world has to offer. What is my calling?


I have just finished reading East of Eden, by John Steinbeck; it is an incredible story and I will definitely read it again. The
most compelling theme was the power of choice: "Thou mayest rule over sin... The Hebrew word, the word timshel -- 'Thou mayest' -- that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on man. For if 'Thou mayest' -- it is also true that 'Thou mayest not'... For in his weakness... he still has the great choice. He can chose his course and fight and win."


Nearly every day I think about how my life, once I return home, will be changed by being here. I wonder, as an American and a Christian, as someone with opportunity -- opportunity to be educated, to make money, to travel -- what is my responsibility? How do I effectively contribute to the world and give back to my God who has given me so much? I also think about sacrifice, and how the previous sacrifices of my life have really cost me nothing; I have always been comfortable and satisfied, a luxury most of the world is never able to truly know. How much do you give up, of your money, your time, and your life? All of it? But what does that mean?


The sermon in church on Sunday was about greatness as a result of service rather than strength; I agreed with everything until comments were made about the US. The pastor said the US starts wars so we can be in control and we destroy other nations to be the greatest nation. Whether you agree with what is going on in the world right now and the involvement of the US, I think this generalization misuderstands the basic intentions of my country. I don't believe we are in war because we are seeking to be the greatest. I think, rather, we are in war because we are taking responsibility for being greatest. We are the greatest nation in the world, because we have strength and wealth, and we provide opportunity for the world improve through our service. We sacrifice our men and women, daily, not to be great, but because we are great and because of that we have to be involved. Further, we are responsible to the world, but primarily we are responsible to ourselves, there is brokenness and sin and we must protect our nation. The pastor finally concluded the service and said, "What contribution are you making to your community and family...? Jesus wanted everyone to be great, but we must be great in service, humility, and love."


And so I am left with these thoughts, I am left with questions and no answers. As Steinbeck said it best, I am left with a great choice, the choice to chose my course, fight, and win. I am left with the choice to be great through service, humility, and love. And maybe, when I ultimately make this choice, I will discover my responsibility and calling.

If you have any thoughts on what I've written, please email me at

Monday, October 16, 2006

What it is all about

I have just had a most incredible weekend. It was a time of absolute physical, mental, and spiritual challenge.

Kimberlee and I decided we were gong to hike Mt. Adaklu, a two to four hour hike, it can't be that bad, right? Then when we finished we would stay in a
simple guesthouse. After three hours of travel to a village only twenty km away we finally made it to the small village of Helekpe, at the base of the mountain. (Transportation included cramming twenty people onto side wooden benches, into the covered back of a pick-up truck, driving down a clay road covered in holes and water, and yes, of course, getting a flat tire).

Once in Helekpe, we were showed to the visitors center, a wooden bench under a thatched roof lean-to; there we paid for and arranged the hike, meals, and sleeping accommodations. We were then introduced to a guide, a young boy, maybe seventeen years old, who would show us to the guesthouse so we could drop off some things before we began the hike. Well, this
walk was so intense, Kimberlee even asked if we had already begun the hike. It was all uphill, we were literally climbing rocks, the sun was beating down, we were soaking wet from sweat, and out of breath.

Finally, after forty minutes we made it to a tiny village which is part of a community based tourism project.
We were welcomed by the hostess and guide who would take us up the mountain, and then showed to our guesthouse across the village. It was a small concrete building with a tin roof and three doors, we were taken to the door on the farthest left; inside was a small sitting room empty except for plastic chairs, and then a small bedroom with a double bed. We emptied our bags, were greeted and wished good luck by the village chief, and were off on our hike.

Needless to say it was the most challenging hike of my life--we were climbing up rocks, on narrow muddy paths, and at some points the incline was so difficult we had the assistance of a rope (and I fell at least five times). When we made it to the summit we sat down and looked out over the vast African land, observing nearby mountains and tiny specks of villages recognizable by their glistening tin roofs. As we struggled up the mountain and then back down, I kept thinking "What am I doing?" I was completely physically challenged, my body was tired, my thighs were burning, and my calves were sore. But I was also mentally challenged, as I searched to find the best places to put my feet and hands when needed, and to remember to look up and observe the beauty surrounding me.

When we returned to the village, we were welcomed back by the chief, then given a coke by the hostess, and showed to an outdoor shower by our room--a wooden fence and a bucket of water. Once showered and dressed, we were given a tour of the village, and then were served dinner: banku (sort of like fufu, but better) and a red spicy stew with meat (which I only hoped was chicken). Then we went back to the room and waited for our guide to put a mosquito net up for us.

As he was hanging the net, children began to gather in our sitting room, just a few at first. At this point the sun had set and there is no electricity in the village so we were sitting in the dark with one flashlight--for lack of communication I began to entertain the children with the light. Over the next hour we had at least fifteen kids in our room; we sat together in the dark and exchanged English and Ewe songs and yes, dance moves, including the hand jive and Macarena. We also taught
Father Abraham and everyone was dancing and singing (including the guide who took us up the mountain)--this was one of the most joyful moments of my life as Kimberlee and I crossed boundaries of age, race, and culture, through a moment of pure happiness.

Once it was late the children left. As we were getting ready for bed we needed to use the bathroom--there is one bathroom in the village, or rather one hole in the ground in a wooden box. So we left our rooms and stumbled through the village in the absolute darkness with our flashlights. On our way back I looked up into the dark sky and was instantly amazed. I could clearly see what looked like billions of stars, and I even thought for a moment, "Does Africa have more stars than America?" I was breathless as I observed the vast greatness of our universe. Standing there I thought about the advancement of the US, I thought about the big great cities, the electricity and power, and light we can afford to produce. And then I realized that in all of this accomplishment, humanity has muted a great accomplishment of our God. I think it was the first time in my life that I was able to see the night sky masterpiece.

And I think this must be what it is all about... Not forgetting to look up into the sky or around the room of children or out onto the great land.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Only In Africa

I want to share with you a few experiences from the past week that (I think is safe to say) are unique to African culture:

The other night as we sat around the table finishing dinner, we heard a marching band in the distance. Curiously, we put on shoes and bug spray and headed off to see where it was coming from. After walking around town we finally caught up with them. It was a band of men and women of all ages, announcing the celebration of the 50th anniversary their churches choir. Since it was dark out, they were all carrying torches with fire (some were even balanced on their heads) and were dancing and singing along with the instruments. The people along the streets were watching and some even clapping and dancing along. It wonderful entertainment for the evening.

Last Friday I went to Akrofe-Christellar Institute (a premier religious institute of West Africa). Once there we had lunch with a professor. And during our conversation he told us his testimony. He was raised a Muslim in Northern Ghana, and he shared with us his transformation from Muslim to Christian. He told intimate details of his personal Muslim beliefs and expectations, and the weight of having to earn your salvation through prayers and deeds, and then he told of his discovery of Christ and the recognition that Christ has come to bring salvation. In my limited knowledge of Muslims, if a person leaves the faith you are disowned by your family, so I asked, what is his current relationship with his family. He said that they are very close, he talked about the strength of African families despite religious differences. Although I was surprised by this it was also encouraging to witness the importance of family connections.

Last weekend, Paulina (the mother in Ashley's house) took Ashely and I to a traditional engagement and wedding ceremony (in the tribal language Ga). In African culture the two take place on the same day, the families believe that once the man and women is engaged there will be confusion whether they should live together (since they are committed), so to avoid this confusion the wedding takes place directly after the engagement. The engagement is an exchange of gifts (dowry) from the man's family to the woman's family. In
terestingly enough, this exchange of gifts does not take place between the man and woman to be married, but rather between a designated family member from each side. Once the gifts have been received the man and woman finally enter, dancing in seperate lines. Then the families shake hands and a pastor conducts the ceremony.

As I was sitting on the bus to go home, to Ho from Accra, I noticed a man standing outside in a suit. I wondered if maybe he owned the bus or even the bus station or if maybe he was a business man (but then he should have private transportation?). Finally once the bus was full he, got on and stood facing the passengers, then the door was closed and he started to pray for save travel (which isn't unusual, almost every time you leave in a bus, someone will pray for safe travel). But this time wasn't just prayer, the man in the suit proceeded to conduct a worship service for the next hour and forty minutes, complete with singing, scripture reading (by him and passengers), prayers, and many sermons. I was tired from the long weekend and at one point put my head down to sleep and he said, "Lazy giants who sleep are the work of the devil." what??... I guess I won't be getting any rest. Needless to say it was quite the event.

A New Perspective

As I wake each morning, leave my home, and go out into this still foreign world, I wonder what experiences should I share? What moments have changed me and my thoughts, and by passing them on may initiate a change in you.

Shortly after arriving in Ghana I read The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo. It's the story of a young shepard boy searching for a treasure, but while on the journey he discovers the real treasures are within. There are many moments throughout the story that I have identified with along my own journey, especially this one:
"He was learning a lot of new things. Some of them were things that he had already experienced, and weren't really new, but that he had never perceived before. And he had never perceived them because he had become accustomed to them."

There's thunder in the distance and as I reflect on my week, I imagine many people would be very happy with the arrival of some rain. The EPC,G (who I work for) has within it an NGO called the Evangelical Presbyterian Development & Relief Agency, and there are many branches throughout the agency. One of the branches is the development of six agricultural sites in Eastern and Northern Ghana. This week I was able to visit two sites. The first, Ho Farms, is focused more on animals, and training people how to raise healthier, stronger animals; there is a small mango field and also a building where they cultivate mushrooms. The second site, Vekoleonu Farms, is focused more on agriculture. I was given big, black rubber boots, two sizes too big, and proceeded to walk through 12 acres of corn, mango, cassava, palm, and orange fields.

Both days I was able to talk directly to local farmers, about the process of farming different plants and breeding different animals. Especially in the fields, the most interesting thing I realized was the primitiveness of the farming: the men go into the fields with machetees in hand--to weed and maintain the growing plants. The men and women go into the fields to pick the ripe fruits and vegetables, and they of course, carry the full, heavy baskets on their heads. There is no irrigation system--the irrigation system consists of trusting the rains will come and sadly they have not. A farmer told me "If you trust the rains, you will fail." The next step to improving the farming was to raise the funds to build a pond and then buy a pump to transport the water... This will probably take years.

What does this mean for you? I hope that you will simply be more aware of the advancement of the US. The farmers kept telling me, "We are not like America, we don't have irrigation systems, we just have to wait, and hope the rain will come."

What else?
--more than 50% of the nation makes less then 20,000 cedis a day (about $2)
--the average person does not have indoor plumbing, so there are public restrooms (usually holes in the ground) throughout the villages and cities
--clothes are hand washed and line dried
--there is no trash disposal program, so either you burn your trash or take it to a common area in the community (this includes toilet paper); we burn our trash beside the house
--all water must be purified and/or filtered before it can be drunk
--the electricity goes off every three days in an effort for the government to conserve energy
--air conditioning and internet are rare, luxuries
--sheep, goats, and chickens roam the street, they say each knows where to go home to at the end of the day

The farmers speak truth when they say, this is not like America. But I hope that through sharing this you will not have pity for Ghana or it's people. Rather I hope you will learn something about life in another corner of the world, and you will be challenged by the differences... By simply burning my trash I have become directly connected to my actions, and by purifying my water I have been connected to my needs. While living in Ghana I have faced the reality of the demands of my life, and through my perceptions I have learned a lot of new things because I have not yet become accustomed to these experiences.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thank You

Dear friends and family!

I just wanted to write and thank you all for your emails and prayers. They have been an overwhelming encouragement, and I am very thankful for them.

Also, my new and permenant address is:

Nora Jorgensen
EP Church Headquaters
PO Box 18
Ho / Volta Region
Ghana, West Africa

Things are going great in Ho and every day I grow more and more grateful for this opportunity. I will write a new post soon!


Thursday, October 05, 2006

"This is your home"

I am finally in Ho. It is a mini-city: more commercialism than a village, but smaller and much calmer than the bigger cities, like Accra or Kumasi. It is surrounded by green hills, and is very very warm (much warmer than Abetifi).

I am living in a house, a very big house that (I think) is owned by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana (EPC,G) Headquarters, who I will be working for. It is a short walk down a dirt road from the headquarters. There are five good size bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen, and screened in porch--and all of the rooms are painted different pastel colors, ranging from green to blue to pink to yellow (my bedroom is a bluish green). There is running water, and electricity (although the government turns the electricity off every couple of days). I am feeling very spoiled.

I have two roommates from Germany, Becci and Anna. They are very nice and have already been here for three weeks, so they have been able to help me figure things out a little bit. (And Kimberlee is still with me, she will eventually move north to Peki, but even then, I expect that we will be seeing a lot of each other

We have a kitchen... All along I was anticipating having my meals prepared for me, whether I was living with a family, or in a guest house, but living on my own means I am responsible for my meals. This is a little scary, because it means that I have to shop in the market, which means I have to bargain and I have no idea how much things should cost, or when it is appropriate for me to ask for a lower price, hopefully I will learn this quickly. Although we do have a small refrigerator, we have to shop nearly every day for fresh food, which is mostly fruits, vegetables, eggs, rice/pasta, etc. I don't plan on ever really preparing meat, because the fish are not very appetizing, and when you buy a chicken, you buy it live, kill it, de-feather it and so on. (And luckily my roommates can cook.)

Today I met with the moderator of the EPC,G to discuss working options. He asked what I studied in school, I told him English and Communications, and that apparently made me a "Communications expert" (oh noo I'm not an expert). Then I was introduced to the head of the Development Offices which focus on wholeness ministry: ministering though education of improving daily lifestyle, including agricultural skills, medical awareness, and computer skills. After my meeting I was taken around town to many different sites where they believe I will be able to contribute. I will not bore you with the list of jobs, but they want my schedule to be flexible, so as I do different work I will share the experiences.

While standing in the market on the day I arrived, I was faced by the first moment of my life where I looked at a situation and was confronted but how much I was going to be changed by it. The men and women just keep telling me, "This is your home... You will love it here." I am learning to transition to this new place, appreciate its differences, and unique beauty. I look forward to each day, how I will change and what I will learn about myself and my God and His creation.